Jumat, 22 November 2013

Sunset & Selfie

Two posting - in a row today ( produktif abiss d blog ) itung " bayar utang 2 bulan tak nge post :)
HA HA anyway kalau pic yang akan saya pampang nyata berikut in taken on ( Nov 5 ) my one day off tahun baru hijriah ..

Special thanks to : alifran esarianto for photo credit ;)

Sunset & Selfie is honestly the most famous Hashtag or theme in a photo ..selfie is even name as word of the year this year by oxford :O in case you don't know selfie is : Self picture / Self Portrait / Photo diri sendiri in bahasa :)))

HAHAHA and speaking of sunset you guys should agree that my town ( Makassar south sulawesi have one of the best sunset ) / in case you compare city in indonesia yahh .. jangan compare luar negri ;)

k , well here the pic : " of my sunset & selfie " photo hunting at akkarena

Excuse me for banyak ( selfie ) daripada sunset nya :) HAHAHAHHA
- K bye .... XOXO

Bara Beach

Another ( one day ) getaway to to the beach ( but this time i would definetely say private beach ;P )
and exclusive , fancy trip loves loves it :) BE HA HA HA HA

Bara beach located in bulukumba ( south sulawesi ) not so far in Bira ( actually but like one of my good friends Albertin vivi said Bira is just too mainstream ) now Bara turn to be famous like hell yeah ...

Let the picture speak baby :  ( pic taken on sunday nov 17 -2013 )

Im having so much fun there  ...

Special thanks to evhy novianty syam tho  and her super kind family ( hotel mammmi pappppi :) ) servisnya luar biasa ..
and to my dear albertin vivi ( we create great pic y'all ) my trip partner that someway somehow everytime our friens plan trip to out of town we always ended up together  .
Also thanks to Andi Maulana Armas yang terbaik  photonya kewl  .... Ethocan ( photo underwaternya ) kamera anti airnya bantu bangettt and to all my partner in this trip wildachil , mitha , devy , lucky , ka reza , indah elza .. we have a blast .

 Bira Last year , bara this year ...............loooking forward for another trip  !!!! everyone will always love holiday:3 

oh we also ( for me back again to pulau liukang untuk mandi mandi and snorkeling there ) pulau liukang itu nyebrang dulu dari pantai bira : 

- well k bye - xoxo

Jumat, 08 November 2013


#np forget jakarta - adhitia sofyan while writing this :)

well hello again blog .... after 2 months im not posting anything  ...

and hey hello again jakarta setelah 3 taun nga kesana ...

just wanna share you guys some pieces memories in jakarta . honestly i went there for looking a better future but too bad it's not working ... (fail actually) but still proud that i made it in a first round beat over 2000++ people ... *tetteteep*

in fact im having so much fun too there  ..* you know that i always love to escape ( even ) for a lil while* who doesn't tho ?!

kesana 2 kali di bulan oktober ini trip pertama ditemanin kawan sih dua orang di tanggal 5-8 oktober kalau nga salah ( udah sebulan aja :| time flies )

selagi di jakarta pula tak lupa menyempatkan makan something yang tak akan kamu temukan di kota mu ( oh well belum ada lebih tepatnya ) sapa tahu ada mau buka franchise hokben ? burger king ? beard papa di makassar ? *jaminan laris manis*

Trip kedua aku berangkat 25-28 ( kalau nga salah ingat lagi pikun ko chal tua mako ) :( trip ini agak sepi secara sendiri terus sepupu d jakarta yang manjakan aku d trip pertama keluar tugas berlayar but honestly suka sih bisa mandiri  :)
di trip kedua ini juga udah sedikit jalannya maklum jajan habis d trip pertama agak sayang sih nga bisa eksplor ibukota lebih luas .

Next time mungkin di masa depan cerah , dompet tebal , sebelum keluar negri nikmati dulu negara sendiri ya kan , iya dong , benar dong ......*nikmati mako itu macetnya jakarta* *baru nikmati macetnya new york * huahahahha amin .

well see you again jakarta ..

Dengan kepentingan lain atau another chapter in life for sure ?!!! - X