Sabtu, 14 Juni 2014

Kodingareng keke Island

As promise in my previous post ( which is now ) :)

this post im gonna update photo trip to Kodingareng Keke Island ( try google it your self for details how to get here & other people post about this beautiful island )

Sebenarnya sih udah lama ingin sekali kesini tapi baru bisa dapat kesempatan & ngikut teman :) such a very fun amazing getaway

Oh Ps : dont think me take all this photograph hahaha : D i just stole in my file and upload it . i guess photo credit mostly by : " Marwan Paris " and some of vedit crew .

Thank you so much for VEDIT crew to include me in this trip even im not member you guys kindly welcoming me ( oh i friends with the owner & a few staff there for sure : D ) 

A few fun facts : about this islands : " hati hati dengan banyak bulu babi & batu karang nya ya :) and shocking fact percaya tidak percaya di pulau ini ada kucing loh 5 malah dan dua nya pas sy kesitu lagi hamil :D agak mikir nyasar darimana ini kucing koodooong hahahhaha

oh iya :) next post aku mau update photo lagi deh tapi yang beda photo karya aku means taken by me :)

untuk sekarang sekian dulu ya ( oh iya coba deh pulau ini untuk yang need beach theraphy recommend pokoke .

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